Wednesday, July 30, 2008

An update on not updating

An incredible opportunity has presented itself and in order to make it happen I need to work my ass off. So that means the blogging will be light until I get this thing going. Details may be forthcoming. Thanks for reading and stay tuned.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

W The Film: Oliver Stone is Officially Crazy

This October Oliver Stone will release a film titled W about, well, George W Bush's life. In case Mr. Stone is unaware, Bush's term as president doesn't even end until January 20th! You would think that when making a movie about an American president and their life you would want to include details from their entire time as president in such a film. Apparently not. I wish this was fake, but it appears all too real, here's a trailer for the film.

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Friday, July 25, 2008

Pimp My...Kettle?

I feel like the whole "Pimp my..." thing is a bit played out. But something about this made me laugh. (From Clemenger BBDO, Austrailia)

And from, the ridiculousness continues:

(via Coloribus)

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sukle Blows Everyone Else out of the Water

It's just one great idea after another for Denver water over at Sukle. Their latest is the shirt pictured below that reminds you that every drop counts. You can get one free (if you get your water from Denver water at See even more great ads from this campaign over at Sukle's blog: Lunchmeat Underpants

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No Lights, Just Lasers

Check out my latest post over at Kodak's 1000 Words Blog, it's about frickin' laser beams and how to make sweet photos (like this one) with them.

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Just Stop It

Tonights news brought to you by: McDonalds

Viewers of KVVU's morning show in Las Vegas have been seeing McDonalds iced coffees on the anchors desk lately. It's part of a deal that Karsh / Hagan worked out, and it'll be interesting to see what sort of results it gets. According to the NYT article, the achors rarely interact with the cups. If there was a negative story abot McDonalds the editor said he would pull the cups, but what about just plain negative stories?

"Five people were shot today. In other news, this new iced coffee is delicious!"

There are no plans to expand the product placement to regular newscasts, but if this works I can only imagine we'll see more stations begin pushing the boundaries between facts and ads.

Do you think this will work?

(via New York Times)

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Monday, July 21, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me

Today's my birthday and here's a picture of one of my presents: a piece by local artist Seth Hunter. It's tar-paper on a giant wood frame, as you can see by the size of it in relation to the door. My favorite part about it is that it's true-everything would be a mess if it were only up to me.

First person to correctly guess how old I am in the comments wins... well, I don't have anything cool to give away. But take a guess anyways.

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Friday, July 18, 2008

McDonalds Egg Billboard

I'm not even sure if you could call this a billboard. But I guess that's the point-this is something completely different to attract your attention. The egg cracks open during breakfast hours and closes again at 10:30am when the burgers hit the grill. One thing is clear, seven words and a rectangle won't cut it anymore.

(via AdFreak)

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Best Campaign Gaffes: Club Remix

23/6 has taken the best campaign gaffes and made a club remix of them. It's funny, and their embed code won't copy for me, so go watch it here. C'mon, you needed a break anyway.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I report, you decide: Creative in London

Jai & Wal are taking some heat for this campaign they posted over on Creative in London. I like it, but that's not what matters, what do you think? Chime in with the poll below then check out the rest of the campaign and leave your thoughts in the comments.

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Radiohead's House of Card will blow your mind with frickin' laser beams

Radiohead decided to shoot their new video without cameras. They used a new technology that maps 3D images using lasers. This is what it looks like:

I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about with lasers and such, but these guys do in the behind the scenes footage:

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Friday, July 11, 2008

Messaging, Bob Dylan Style

To promote his new album Bob Dylan has a site up that lets you personalize his classic "Subterranean Homesick Blues" card flipping intro. Check out the site here and send something totally inappropriate to everyone you know (click on "Dylan Messaging" at the bottom).

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I met the Walrus

You're 14.
It's 1969.
You sneak into John Lennon's room.
You have a tape recorder.
He answers your questions.
38 years later you produce a movie about it.
It's nominated for an Oscar.

It looks like this:

I met the Walrus official site

(via The Denver Egotist)

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

BMW's got balls

This is from the BMW museum in Munich. These 714 steel balls take the shape of BMW cars and sort of fly through the air. It's sort of mesmerizing. (via Changethethought)

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What are the best advertising blogs to read?

I have two purposes in this post:

One: I'm about to overhaul my RSS feeds and I wanted to solicit some input. I want to know what the best sites / blogs / feeds are for someone wanting to soak up everything about advertising and copywriting there is to soak up. To help with this process I've included my entire list of RSS feeds below. In addition to things I should be reading, are there things I should avoid that I'm currently reading? Is there something out there that spews more crap than content?

Two: Maybe you can find something new to read below. I've tried to link to most of the sites when possible. Some of the RSS feeds are impossible to find outside of searching for them in Google Reader (if RSS is your thing). I've also categorized the feeds a bit into "A List", which a feed will usually start out in and then get moved to "B List" if I find it less interesting or it posts less frequently. There's also "Denver Blogs" which is like reading the blog roll of the Denver Egotist and "WSJ" which is news from the Wall Street Journal.

If you want to join in the feed frenzy and decide to post your own list of RSS feeds send me a link at justinmccammonblog [at] and I'll update this post with a link.

A List

Gaping Void

Why Advertising Sucks

A Thousand Words A Kodak Blog About Photography







American Copywriter

Ceramic Erin AdArchive: Print AdArchive: TV




Creative in London

Creativity-Online: Top News

Dear Jane Sample

Energy Fiend


If this is a blog then what’s Christmas


Make the logo bigger

New Belgium

ProBlogger Blog Tips


Seth’s Blog

The Social Path


View from the Bottom

Welcome to optimism

B List

“Brew” Blog – Beer industry market news, analysis, and comentary

Adholes Jobs



Advertising Age – Small Agency Diary – Creative News News

Ask A Copywriter


Democracy in America

From the Bottom of Everything

Giveaway of the Day


Ryan M. Healy

The Brooklyn Brothers

The Economist: Computing and software

The Economist: News analysis

The Economist: The environment

Where’s My Jetpack?

Denver Blogs

Big Slice of Awesome


Everything We Know About Denver

Green elevations

Mike King: Blog


Andy Bosselman

Burns Workspace

Cactus Advertising



Joy-to-stuff ratio

Pure Thinking


Sean Klassen / Geekin’ out on the dork box



The Denver Egotist

This Week in Denver

WSJ Buzzwatch Marketplace Media and Marketing Page One PJ Main What’s News Technology What’s News US

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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Toyota Prius: -Fuel +Life

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Pringles are not potato chips

A British "Judge" ruled that Pringles are not potato chips. This allows Procter and Gamble to avoid paying a 17.5% tax on potato products.

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

Somewhere the inventor of Pringles is rolling over in his pringle can grave.

Read more at the Consumerist.


Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July

Fireworks aren't nearly as dangerous as their distant cousin, the sword...

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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

An Advertising Story

There once was a girl named Michelle. Michelle had a problem, she just couldn't get a date. So she decided to make some changes. You see, Michelle loved french fries, and you know what that means... all her clothes had ketchup stains. And who would date a girl with ketchup stains? Luckily Michelle used tide:

And while it made her clothes cleaner than ever, she also spilled some tide on her coke...

And she really wanted a coke. A real, colorful, coke.

So Michelle put on her ketchup-free clothes and set out to find herself a coke. As she walked down the street she still couldn't get guys attention in her newly cleaned clothes! Just then she noticed one man starring at her from his shop window. He seemed absolutely mesmerized by Michelle. He motioned for her to come into his shop. He introduced himself as Dr. Perea. Michelle said she felt fine, what could a doctor do? He said, let me show you...

Michelle knew this was just what she needed, so Dr. Perea went ahead and made some "enhancements" to her. Soon after she awoke from the surgery she noticed something different about herself. The surgery had changed more than her body. Soon Michelle was buying different products...

And trying new things...

But she still wasn't happy. So she went down to the ocean to think things over. There she met a wise old sea turtle who had a problem looking her in the eye...

The sea turtle said to Michelle:
"Quench my thirst and I shall quench your desires."

"But what are you thirsty for wise sea turtle?" Michelle replied.

"A drink unlike any other. One that will ignite the fires of passion that have layed dormant within my shell for all these years."

Michelle didn't know what the hell he was talking about, but she went looking for a vending machine anyway. When she found one it only had two products in stock: Grape Fanta and something called "Burn".

"Hmmm," thought Michelle, "which one would ignite the fires of passion in a 300 year old sea turtle?"

She closed her eyes and hit a button at random.

Out popped a can of Burn. She took it to the sea turtle. As she opened the can for him sparks flew out and fire engulfed the couple...

The sea turtle had transformed into a handsome young man!

After spending three months in the hospital recovering from the burns caused by... Burn... Michelle and Steve (the former sea turtle) decided to spend the rest of their lives together.

And they lived hapily ever after.

The End.

See, advertising can be fun!
All images via Coloribus

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You'll never guess who this is an ad for

A hilarious look inside the consumer-client-agency relationship. (via Adpulp)


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Think it's been done before? Ask Joe Lapompe

Joe Lapompe has an excellent archive of copycat ads from around the world. So next time you think you're brilliantly original check here first to put your ego back in check. His name is also incredibly difficult to spell when looking at his URL. Is it Joel Apompe? Maybe Jo El Apompe? Or Joe La Pompe? (via Why Advertising Sucks)



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Grab a warm, sticky, Booty Sweat energy drink

Sound good? Just wait till you read the copy:
a delicious and bump up struttin’ energy drink that will pump up a brotha’s ass right-pronto. This swill will crank yo’ metabolism up skippin’ right over jiggy to straight G-pimp level, word to your mutha. Brothas will be layin’ down the 2-3 on the wiggy jig focusing the energy flow into cold-face benjamins that will fill yo’ pimp pockets to burstin’. Damn straight! Booty Sweat will keep a brotha pitchin’ straight game all night to the baby-dolls.
Whew. I'm sweating just thinking about it.

Turns out this is a reverse product placement for the upcoming "Tropic Thunder" movie.

But what does it taste like?

Contrary to its moniker, though, Booty Sweat has a taste that's more effervescent cherry than Perrier of the derriere, at least according to Paramount director of licensing Tammy Stockfish, who tasted a can for herself last week.
(via Energy Fiend and Ad Age)

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Why Advertising Sucks Presents: Diary of an Intern

Why Advertising Sucks has been posting a "Diary of an Intern" series that's pretty damn good. As a soon-to-be intern myself I can't attest to the validity of this account, but I hope it's closer to fiction for my own sake.

A few excerpts:
...I'm not really sure what to expect but along with me, there's three guys and five girls. Not bad odds seeing as some of those guys look like total douche bags. Anyways, they gave me the option to work in any department I wanted and of course I picked Creative. Shit yeah!!!! Getting paid to think up shit and dude, I've watched so much shit that I can definitely do good ads...
...I found out that there’s copywriters and artists and lucky for me, I’m the copywriter so I have more say as to what ideas get done while the artist makes it look like it has to because that’s how it works here...
...Today was another activityless day and I couldn't handle looking at Steve make saliva bubbles, Jerry making top ten lists of who he's going to bone and Robert's corner one man brain storming that didn't include any of us, because he wanted to work on something before showing us...
Check it out here:
Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7

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