Saturday, March 29, 2008

Books that Rock

Ryan Healy wrote a post on his blog about his top 12 books and asked others to do the same. Then we'll all link the posts together and create the greatest superlist of books ever created by humans. Or we'll have a few lists of good marketing books and fine literature. So here's mine, in no paticular order:

  • Invisible Man by Ralph Elison -I've got to agree with Ryan on this one. When I read this in high school it truly changed the way I think (maybe it was just the timing, but I'd like to think the book played a big part). This is not "The Invisible Man" by HG wells, not even close. Elison's book chronicles the struggles of an unnamed black man as he grows up "invisible" to society. Truly a classic.
  • How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie -Ok, so I know this is a mandatory on any business students book list, but honestly, it's pretty good. You want to learn how to be a better socialite and develop better relationships with clients, co-workers, or just people in general? Then pick up this book.
  • Rebel without a Crew by Robert Rodriguez -A great read on the story of Rodriguez's first film, El Mariachi and how it came to be made (on a $7k budget).
  • 1984 by George Orwell -This book should be read by every American every ten years or so, just to remind them of the delicate balance between governmental power and freedom that exists in this country.
  • Juicing the Orange by Pat Fallon & Fred Senn -A collection of tales from Fallon that look at a number of clients individually and how the agency worked with them to create something great. A good intro to the ad world.
  • Ogilvy on Advertising by David Ogilvy -The legend himself chimes in on what works and what doesn't in his famously frank style. A bit dry compared to more modern books, but an essential read nonetheless. Plus, I really want to start smoking a pipe now.
  • Hey Whipple, Squeeze This by Luke Sullivan -Wow. My first true "advertising" read and my top recommendations for anyone, even if you're just a little bit curious about the ad world. Sullivan (a copywriter) keeps it interesting page after page with anecdotes from the field and solid advice all mixed up with a strong dose of humor and wit. If you haven't read this, you haven't fully lived.
  • Advertising Concept and Copy by George Felton -Although it feels a bit textbooky at times this book has great ad examples followed up with the reasoning as to why they are effective ads.
  • Hoopla by CP+B and Warren Berger -The cover of this book is sandpaper. You want to find out why? Buy it. It's worth it. CP+B has/is doing some amazing work and regardless of how you feel about them you have to admire the sheer creativity pouring out of that place.
So what do you think? Did I leave something out (or include something unworthy)?

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Earth Hour: Will it matter?

Where's my jetpack? has a nice post on the blackening of Google for today's Earth Hour. I think they raise an important question: will it really get us to change? Believe me, I'm all in support of doing whatever it takes to help prevent any further global warming but I also agree that it's going to take a lot more than a few idealists to get things done. We need the vast majority of people to get on board and unfortunately it looks like most people don't give a shit about our planet or the people they share it with. What do you think?

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Use only in case of Sith

This is pretty clever. (via Gizmodo)


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Shocking and Naughty Ads

Trendhunter has made a couple lists of ads I think are worth checking out. The first is the Top 69 Naughty Ads. As you can imagine Tom Ford makes several appearances. The second is the Top 50 Shocking Ads. Both are worth a good look. Enjoy.

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Google Video...Video

This is great work for Google Video Germany. (via Denver Egotist)

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Toronto Blue Jays: Born to Play

I'll admit it, I had seen these ads posted a few different places over the last few days and really didn't want to watch them. I mean, c'mon, Toronto Blue Jays? I just wasn't interested. But then it popped up again on another site and I said fine, I'll see what the buzz is about. I'm glad I did, they're pretty good. I especially like that they're able to take basically the same idea (pitching / throwing skill) and execute it in several different ways without wearing it out.

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Carlsberg Bottle Billboard

This is a great way to make an otherwise normal billboard something worth talking about. (via Adverbox)

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

VW: Building websites like cars

This is pretty cool. VW ad from Tribal DDB that shows their UK website being physically built (like a car). Like I've said about a lot of the other great ads I've posted here I really like the "behind the scenes" aspect of something we take for granted (website building, vending machines, the wind). Work like this comes from a place of understanding and "truth", the way I see it. You really have to not only know your client's product / process, but also understand the truth behind how things come to be, like the idea that VW builds it's website like it builds it's cars. Now that's leveraging insight and creativity. (via Denver Egotist)

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Hal Riney's Island

Ledgendary adman Hal Riney passed away this week at the age of 75. With him may have died the greatest ability to take a prank ever, as you'll see. While browsing through the various articles celebrating his career I came across this movie. Apparently two Hal Riney employees from San Francisco decided to track down their boss on his private island somewhere of the coast of Honduras. So they took few sick days, some plane rides and a boat ride and eventually ended up inside Hal's house. When Hal saw this at the company Christmas party it's said he laughed at it. Now that's a sense of humor. Take a look, it's quite an adventure. (via AdFreak)

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Not everyone knows about street marketing

New York Times reporter David Dunlap saw some people stapling signs to street posts and decided they were engaged in "illegal marketing". He tried to take pictures of it, but they beat him up (he's OK & not pressing charges). Just goes to show you that just when you think the worlds seen everything marketing has to offer that there's always a few people who have no idea what "street marketing" is. (via Gawker)

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Don't forget to remember

Oxford Landing has added a clever touch to their wine labels: a tear off "reminder" of what kind of wine you just enjoyed. I can't think of any reason why this shouldn't be included on every decent wine within two years. (via Denver Egotist)

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Playboy Lights up the Night

This is blank during the day, but at night... (via Denver Egotist)


Mr. W

Great ad. I love the way they personify "the wind". There's something that always gets me about ads that take something that isn't normally "human" and make it so (see my previous Inside the Vending Machine Post).


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Ever wonder what Peeps do the other 364 days of the year?

Happy Easter. (via Denver Egotist)


Life's too Short for the Wrong Job

These showed up in my inbox the other day. Just some great examples of turning something ordinary into something extraordinary. I'll never look at a vending machine the same way.


Saturday, March 22, 2008

If you only do one thing today... this.

Friday, March 21, 2008

What this site looks like to our Interweb Overlords

If you go to this handy site and plug in your url you can see a graph of the connections that site makes on the interwebs. Or something random and kinda intense looking. I have no idea what it means, but this is what this sites "graph" looks like. I'm going to try plugging in the sites own url and see if a massive black hole forms, so if the internet is down for the next month or so you'll know why.

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I'd be offened but I can't stop laughing

So here's a poster for "Clowns without Borders" (I didn't hyperlink it because, let's face it, you weren't going to click it anyways). It seems like it could be a fake "let's make fun of the tsunami" thing, but something tells me this is all too real. All I know is that I can't help but laugh every time I look at it. (via AdFreak)

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Skittles Pinata

Find more videos like this on AdGabber

This has been floating around the interwebs for a week or so, but I couldn't resist. I still think it's awesome. I only wish I wanted to eat skittles, or Sonic's food, or Burger King. I love all their ads but I really don't want to subject my body to their products. I love the creative but they might as well be ads for rat poison.

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Las Vegas: Now with 50% more Douchebags

I'd read about this a while back at copyranter, but for some reason I didn't believe it was still running. We'll it is. Las Vegas has an entire place on it's site (and on myspace) for douchebags interested in coming to Vegas to, uh, douche it up? They even get $25 off their hotel bookings. I had a friend go to Vegas a couple weeks ago and have his wallet stolen on the bus, so I can attest that this campaign is working wonderfully to douche-ify Vegas to the max. My real question is, at what point did Vegas think it had a shortage of douchebags?

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

This is what happens when you drink and drive

You've got to click this ad and view it full screen to get the true effect. It's pretty awesome. Just goes to show you that great creative advertising and good causes can go hand in hand. (via Denver Egotist)

If you like sheep, boy do we have a stove for you!

This ad for Appalachian Stove Co. reads "A roaring fire, a bottle of wine, a barn full of sheep."

WTF? Since when has anyones target market been "sheep fuckers."

(via adrants)

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New & Improved! Now you can read along with me

If you look over to your right you'll see my Google Reader feed. So when I find something totally awesome (useless) and decide to share (spam) it with you it's almost like I'm reading a book and you're peeping over my shoulder. Almost.


Today's Best of the Interwebs

Things I like:
I wish I had a webcam so I could try out Publicis & Hal Riney's new site.

CP+B is still rocking my socks, and tongue.

Best "remember that cars aren't the only thing on the road" ad. Ever. (did you see it the first time?) BTW- watch for cyclists, seriously.

Great Atari ads.

Things I don't like:
Got Milk music video that supposed to be "Tenacious D Inspired". Yeah, if the D were a shitty and repetitive music video that sounds like HIM+every piece-of-shit cookie cutter "hard rock" band currently on the radio.
