What are the best advertising blogs to read?
I have two purposes in this post:
One: I'm about to overhaul my RSS feeds and I wanted to solicit some input. I want to know what the best sites / blogs / feeds are for someone wanting to soak up everything about advertising and copywriting there is to soak up. To help with this process I've included my entire list of RSS feeds below. In addition to things I should be reading, are there things I should avoid that I'm currently reading? Is there something out there that spews more crap than content?
Two: Maybe you can find something new to read below. I've tried to link to most of the sites when possible. Some of the RSS feeds are impossible to find outside of searching for them in Google Reader (if RSS is your thing). I've also categorized the feeds a bit into "A List", which a feed will usually start out in and then get moved to "B List" if I find it less interesting or it posts less frequently. There's also "Denver Blogs" which is like reading the blog roll of the Denver Egotist and "WSJ" which is news from the Wall Street Journal.
If you want to join in the feed frenzy and decide to post your own list of RSS feeds send me a link at justinmccammonblog [at] gmail.com and I'll update this post with a link.
A List
A Thousand Words A Kodak Blog About Photography
Coloribus.com AdArchive: Print
If this is a blog then what’s Christmas
B List
“Brew” Blog – Beer industry market news, analysis, and comentary
Advertising Age – Small Agency Diary
Adweek.com-Nontraditional News
The Economist: Computing and software
The Economist: The environment
Denver Blogs
Everything We Know About Denver
Sean Klassen / Geekin’ out on the dork box
WSJ.com: What’s News Technology
Labels: best advertising sites, links, rss feeds
thanks for the link!
Thanks for the mention. I am glad Kodak's "A Thousand Words" made your A-List. We try ;-) -tom from Kodak
Wow - I made the B team. Benchwarmer, uninteresting. Never get to take the cheerleader to the prom
you made me squee! <3 thanks for the shout.
If it makes you feel better, I'm on my own B team.
Like I said, I'm in the middle of re-organizing my feeds, so if you give it 110% at practice you just might get some time under the Friday night lights.
Great list. It's a lot of work putting that together. I just put my own links list up, and it required a ton of research.
To that end, I humbly recommend our new blog. Convince & Convert - Digital Marketing Advice for Agencies
Devoted to helping ad agencies and PR firms successfully integrate digital marketing. Tips, trends, etc.
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