Saturday, March 29, 2008

Books that Rock

Ryan Healy wrote a post on his blog about his top 12 books and asked others to do the same. Then we'll all link the posts together and create the greatest superlist of books ever created by humans. Or we'll have a few lists of good marketing books and fine literature. So here's mine, in no paticular order:

  • Invisible Man by Ralph Elison -I've got to agree with Ryan on this one. When I read this in high school it truly changed the way I think (maybe it was just the timing, but I'd like to think the book played a big part). This is not "The Invisible Man" by HG wells, not even close. Elison's book chronicles the struggles of an unnamed black man as he grows up "invisible" to society. Truly a classic.
  • How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie -Ok, so I know this is a mandatory on any business students book list, but honestly, it's pretty good. You want to learn how to be a better socialite and develop better relationships with clients, co-workers, or just people in general? Then pick up this book.
  • Rebel without a Crew by Robert Rodriguez -A great read on the story of Rodriguez's first film, El Mariachi and how it came to be made (on a $7k budget).
  • 1984 by George Orwell -This book should be read by every American every ten years or so, just to remind them of the delicate balance between governmental power and freedom that exists in this country.
  • Juicing the Orange by Pat Fallon & Fred Senn -A collection of tales from Fallon that look at a number of clients individually and how the agency worked with them to create something great. A good intro to the ad world.
  • Ogilvy on Advertising by David Ogilvy -The legend himself chimes in on what works and what doesn't in his famously frank style. A bit dry compared to more modern books, but an essential read nonetheless. Plus, I really want to start smoking a pipe now.
  • Hey Whipple, Squeeze This by Luke Sullivan -Wow. My first true "advertising" read and my top recommendations for anyone, even if you're just a little bit curious about the ad world. Sullivan (a copywriter) keeps it interesting page after page with anecdotes from the field and solid advice all mixed up with a strong dose of humor and wit. If you haven't read this, you haven't fully lived.
  • Advertising Concept and Copy by George Felton -Although it feels a bit textbooky at times this book has great ad examples followed up with the reasoning as to why they are effective ads.
  • Hoopla by CP+B and Warren Berger -The cover of this book is sandpaper. You want to find out why? Buy it. It's worth it. CP+B has/is doing some amazing work and regardless of how you feel about them you have to admire the sheer creativity pouring out of that place.
So what do you think? Did I leave something out (or include something unworthy)?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for participating, Justin! Great books, too. I just added your post to the list on my blog.

March 29, 2008 at 3:32 PM  

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