No one can hear Shatner scream in space

Some work I did for a recent BDW class. If you look closely you can see the man himself.
Labels: boulder digital works, shatner
Intelligent, irreverent, but never irrelevant news from the world of digital creativity.
Labels: boulder digital works, shatner
Labels: boulder digital works, digital, napkin labs, new business models, product design
Today, Y&R NY and VML launched a new website called “The Ungrateful Bastards.”
If you received a gift during the holidays that you don’t want (and who didn’t?), you can visit this site and trade for someone else’s unwanted gift.
Check out the site here:
“Because one man’s stupid, unwanted holiday gift is another man’s treasure.”
Agency: Y&R NY and VML
Chief Creative Officers: Scott Vitrone, Ian Reichenthal
Creative Directors: Guillermo Vega, Icaro Doria
Managing Creative Director, VML: Jim Radosevic
Creative Director, VML: Mike Wente
Art Directors: Menno Kluin, Alex Nowak, Sandra Nicholas
Copywriters: Tiffani Lundeen
Illustrator: Peter Frendrik
Producer: Jo Kelly
Lead Developer: Frank Cefalu
Flash Developer: Marc Brown
Director of Technology: Martin Coady
And I follow the link to Ungrateful Bastards because it sounds like a fun, if unoriginal, idea.
Labels: advertising, digital, shiny turds, ungrateful bastards, vml, young and rubicam
Here's a question that you should clip out and tape to your bathroom mirror. It might save you some angst 15 years from now. The question is, What did you do back when interest rates were at their lowest in 50 years, crime was close to zero, great employees were looking for good jobs, computers made product development and marketing easier than ever, and there was almost no competition for good news about great ideas?
Many people will have to answer that question by saying, "I spent my time waiting, whining, worrying, and wishing." Because that's what seems to be going around these days. Fortunately, though, not everyone will have to confess to having made such a bad choice. (read the original)
The oughts (the "uh-ohs"?) were a tough decade on a macro level. Front page news events will give the textbooks plenty to write about in the years to come.
But on a micro level, on a personal level, this was a decade filled with opportunity. The internet transformed our lives forever. Opportunities were created (and many were taken advantage of). And, like every decade, just about everyone missed it. Just about everyone hunkered down and did their job or did what they were told or did what they thought they were supposed to, and just about everyone got very little as a result. (read the original)
For those of you who like to take your information visually, here's Hugh MacLeod's cartoon in the same vein:
There will never be another time quite like now to launch a new company, quit your job, or be a part of something great. The time to do your life's work is now.
This is it.
Fight like hell.
Happy New Year.
Labels: deep thoughts, hugh macleod, justin mccammon, seth godin
Labels: justin mccammon, thisjustin
Labels: best of the decade, cursive, elliott smith, music, of montreal, red house painters, sigur ros, sufjan stevens, the arcade fire, the good life, the postal service, the shins, top ten
Why would someone drop everything for more than a year to enroll in a completely untested program that vowed to teach the world of digital and interactive in a way never done before? The first class of 12 students in Boulder Digital Works’ (BDW) first 60 Weeks program answer that question in their new short film called The 1210 Project.
The 1210 Project is named after what will be the students’ final day of BDW 60 Weeks, December 10, 2010. The video explores the twelve students’ motivation for jumping onboard Boulder Digital Works’ 60 Weeks program inaugural voyage. Some of the students enrolled after hearing about the program with only weeks before its start. The film looks at what the students have learned, considers their hopes and plans for the program’s remaining 50 weeks and focuses on their dreams, goals and predictions.
These 12 students, who range in age from 22 to 48, have been exposed to some of the best of the best in digital and interactive over the past 10 weeks. Their brains are buzzing and the walls of BDW are bulging with possibility.
There is much work to do leading up to 12/10/10 and years of work after that, but there is no doubt there will never be a year quite like the one that lies directly ahead. Follow my fellow Boulder Digital Works students over the next year at
Labels: 12/10 project, awesome stuff, boulder digital works, justin mccammon
Labels: ad2 denver, public service
Labels: justin mccammon, space-time continuum
Labels: awesome stuff, concerts, madison, sufjan stevens
Labels: deep thoughts, new business models, wall street journal
Labels: boulder digital works, justin mccammon
Labels: 20sb
Labels: ad2 denver, new denver ad club, next creatives
Labels: internet radio, radio, steal this idea
Labels: cars, smarter, steal this idea
Labels: internet radio, jelli, music
Labels: crispin porter bogusky, funny, microsoft
Labels: customer service, papa murphys
Labels: great idea, ira glass
Labels: justin mccammon, odell brewing, twitter
Labels: clay shirky, cognitive surplus, deep thoughts, hugh macleod, sunday morning philosophy
Labels: justin mccammon, portfolio