(continued from previous posts) ... So I began to walk uphill to my hotel. I was tired. It was cold. I almost gave up right there.
Finally I made it, checked in, and crashed out in my room. The time was 4:45pm.
About an hour later I realized I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast at 5:50am Colorado time.
I began to browse the restaurants that the hotel shuttle could get me to. Nothing popped up right away. I began to notice a place called "
Jimmy's Food and Cocktails" (I should have looked at the website first). Probably because every set of directions began with "take a left (or right) at Jimmy's" since it was across the street from the hotel. The "food and cocktails" part of Jimmy's title made it sound like a middle of the road type place. That sounded delicious.
So I walked across the street toward Jimmy's. I noticed a fireplace
outside the building. Oh, a little upscale I see. Then a BMW in the parking lot. Then a Lexus. Jimmy John's looked appealing across the parking lot. No, I was taking me out, dammit.
Inside Jimmy's I immediately knew I was out of my league, but I wasn't turning back.
Side Note: Asking for a table of one is one of the hardest things to do. It's probably the second most out-of-my-comfort-zone thing I can think of to do in a restaurant. Second that is, to actually sitting at a table for one.
I was seated and looked over the menu. Wow, lots of cocktails. Wines galore. No Beer? Oh well. My waitress came and sold me on a drink called a "Zombie". She said it was blue, I said sure. I looked like a pussy. A pussy sitting alone in a nice restaurant. Good.
So then it came time to order. I got the crab cakes with salt and vinegar fries ($25). They brought it out in about 5 minutes. Jimmy doesn't mess around.
It was a good thing they were fast because sitting by yourself in a restaurant is probably the weirdest thing you can do. I was eavesdropping on the different conversations around me, nothing interesting. The crab cakes were good, damn good. And salt and vinegar fries were a great combo. Not $25 good, probably $16 good. I overheard the couple behind me order some beer. Aha! They had
Guinness too. I downed my Zombie and quickly ordered a Guinness. Now I felt like a man. A man sitting all by himself in a restaurant.
Finally I was done and my check came, it was $41 exactly. My waitress joked that it doesn't happen very often (come out even) and I should go play the lottery.
"Yeah. " I said while I was really thinking
"Yeah, I'll use the money I was going to leave for you as a tip!".I tipped her, walked to the hotel, and flipped on the TV. I vegged out for the rest of the night.
And that's the story of my first night in Minnesota.
Labels: Jimmy's food and cocktails, mass transit, minnesota