Denver Ad2 Brandoween

Join Denver Ad2 (the ad club for those under 32 years old) this Thursday, Oct. 30th from 6-9pm at Jackson's Upstairs (1520 20th) for Brandoween. Like the name implies it's Halloween and brands combined. You can win some sweet prizes for dressing up like your favorite brand. It's $5 for Ad2 members, $15 for non but that gets you unlimited drinks all night, so it's a pretty good deal. See below for details.
Coming to an Ad2 Halloween party can be scary. But let's face it, if you dress up right no one will even know you were there. Then again, you might want to peek out from behind the mask for a while and do some networking. Or you might need to put the mask down and pick up one of your UNLIMITED drinks (domestics and wells.) That's right, for $15 ($5 for Ad2 members) you get all you can drink and eat at Jackson's upstairs.
I know, $15 can be scary in a recession, but think of it this way: if you go ahead and renew your Ad2 membership now you get in for only $5. That's like finding a $10 bill on the ground and getting unlimited drinks all night. And if you're a student you'd have to be scared stupid not to join Ad2 Denver for just $25.
Are you still scared? Then dress up as your favorite brand and enter to win a prize ($100 for Blake St. Tavern and a Margarita machine) for best brand costume. Still scared? You need some help.
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