Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The analogy is king

Lunar BBDO puts forth an interesting thought: for much of recent history analogies have been looked down upon in ads, sort of a second class. But now they seem to be everywhere, winning awards and hearts left and right. Is this the result of globalization of brands or award shows (or both)? They also offer a few great examples of ads using analogy, including Cadbury's gorilla, which I bet you haven't yet watched today. I won't steal their thunder, so check it all out here: Analogy Schmanalogy.

Personally I see it as not only a reaction to globalization, but also a way to break through the clutter (pardon my cliche). It's seems easier to find a "I've never seen that before" kind of concept in the world of analogy (like a gorilla playing drums, for instance). What do you think?



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