Monday, June 2, 2008

Nomination for Douchebag of the Year

Note: this is an official call for entries in the first ever Douchebag of the Year contest hosted here on If you have a Douchebag you'd like to nominate please send a story stating the Douchebaggery committed by the person to justinmccammonblog [at] gmail [dot] com. Obviously this contest will run until the end of the year.

I was driving with my girlfriend to get some ice cream when I saw the first sign of the douchebag...a bumper sticker with too many words on it to read from a safe distance. Luckily, we were at a stoplight so I was able to pull forward and read it.
It said:
If it's worth dying for in the middle east, it's worth drilling for in the US.

So let's examine this a bit closer. The "it" being referred to is obviously oil. So this person (and I consider all bumper stickers to be representative of their owners) says oil is worth dying for. I don't really care where he thinks it's worth dying for, because we have a problem right here. Oil is not worth DYING for. Under such logic the US could just give some poor souls to [fill in your favorite oil producing country here], they could kill them, and then we could get a few barrels of oil, say 100 barrels per person. Does that sound fair (it's not too far off from the current conflict in Iraq)? Of course it doesn't, because there are very few of us outside prison walls that believe trading human life for anything, especially oil, is an OK thing to do.

Now that second part of the bumper sticker, about drilling in the US. First off, this was on a full size Chevy truck. Not the biggest, but not the smallest either. This truck also had some aggressively treaded "off-road" tires on it. One could assume this person likes to enjoy our wonderful national parks and forests and the "off road" experiences they provide. In the same breath of air, this person is also calling for such places to be overrun by drilling operations is search for that ever elusive gusher. But back to the truck; and this is the part that really gets me: If this person believes that oil is worth dying for why aren't they driving a Prius? What this person is saying with the bumper sticker and vehicle combination is that not only is oil worth dying for, but I'm going to use up more oil than really necessary to get my ass around and if more people need to die to get me that oil than so be it.

In the end, what I really wanted to do was to walk up to the guys window and remind him that the army is still looking for volunteers. I mean, if oil is worth dying for, why the hell is he still over here?

OK, so maybe this bumper sticker is really tongue in cheek and this person is a huge environmentalist who is actually running their truck on biofuel. Not likely. There are few other ways to interpret the bumper sticker other than the way I have above.

On Free Speech:
Just to be clear, I'm not saying this person shouldn't be allowed to say what they're saying, but rather I'm upset that such a mindset has been adopted by one (and probably lots more) of my fellow countrymen.

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