Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Arcade Fire: Black Mirror

One of my favorite bands, The Arcade Fire, has an impressive new site up for their single "Black Mirror" over at (look at the url in a mirror, I didn't get it right away). You can remix the song as it and the video plays by pressing 1-6 on your keyboard to take out / add in various tracks of the song. While I love the band and the song, I have to say the 3-4 minute load time is a bit out of control, especially since I have a pretty fast connection normally. Ultimately though, I feel like the content is cool enough to justify it, but like I said, I'm already a fan, YMMV.

Oh, a few other complaints, relatively on topic: 1976 productions did this site and I thought I'd go find their site and check out some of their other stuff. Nope, not a chance in hell. Try googling 1976 productions to see what I mean. Then try urls you think might make since (,,, no, no and no.). So alas, I thought maybe I'd find it on Creativity's website since I read about it originally in their March dead-tree edition. Ha! You want to access an article more that a week old? Pay up buddy cause now you need a print AND an online subscription. You want to share Creativity's content with everyone on your blog? Forget it, we keep our content to ourselves, we're not going to share it with anyone, because, you know, then people might read it and check out our website and bring in some ad revenue or maybe subscribe and then we'd get some additional revenue and page hits and boy would that suck because we're Creativity magazine and we hate sharing our content with everyone, especially you.
End rant.

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