A Look Back: 200 Posts
200 posts.
A minor milestone for this blog. But maybe you haven't been around for all of them. Maybe you aren't subscribed to my RSS Feed. Maybe you don't know that you can contact Justin at justinmccammonblog (at) gmail (dot) com. Just in case you're new around here I've compiled a list of my favorite posts so it'll be like you've been reading since the beginning. For those of you who've been around a while, what are your favorite posts? Dig back into the archives and post them in the comments.
My Favorites:
A minor milestone for this blog. But maybe you haven't been around for all of them. Maybe you aren't subscribed to my RSS Feed. Maybe you don't know that you can contact Justin at justinmccammonblog (at) gmail (dot) com. Just in case you're new around here I've compiled a list of my favorite posts so it'll be like you've been reading since the beginning. For those of you who've been around a while, what are your favorite posts? Dig back into the archives and post them in the comments.
My Favorites:
- Bush in Ads All Over the World
New Belgium: Awesome Ads from an Awesome Company
MTV's FurTV Sex Tape
Nike Football by Guy Ritchie
Meatloaf and AT&T: Paradise by the GoPhone Light
VW Sounds Good
Ugly Mug Coffee: A Fresh Jolt of Copy
Volvo takes a shot at Cadillac's Pursuit
Student work for Powerhouse Gym is no lightweight
Nutrigrain: I feel great!
VW: Building websites like cars
Mr. W
If you only do one thing today...
I'd be offened but I can't stop laughing
Las Vegas: Now with 50% more Douchebags
This is what happens when you drink and drive
Labels: a look back, best of the interweb
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