Kodak: Make Me Super

I've been waiting a long time to say that.
The company that has provided me a means to live the last six years has also had it's head up it's ass most of that time about anything digital, advertising related or remotely 21st century. But now they've hitched their star to the same agency that did that "Elf Yourself" thing for OfficeMax last year and come up with "Make Me Super". You upload your photo, and WHAM! Before you know it you're a full-fledged super hero complete with theme song (see mine here). I started passing this around the office this afternoon and I fully expect 50 super videos in my inbox tomorrow (wouldn't it be great if Kodak had planted the seeds of this viral site by informing it's 25,000 US employees about it so they wouldn't have to read about it somewhere else? or does that violate the "rule of viral-ness"?) Of course, you can buy customized mugs, mouse pads, etc., as well as upload your super picture to your Kodak Gallery account. What? You don't have a Kodak Gallery account? Well now would be a good time to start one, wouldn't it?
Labels: awesome stuff, funny, kodak, make me super
OfficeMax did ElfYourself.
Thanks for the correction, noted and changed.
That's what they get for having basically the same frickin' name though. I can't ever keep the two straight. I've never mistaken a Staples for an OfficeWhatever though.
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