Thursday, August 21, 2008

Got tickets to the gun show?

Modernista! does. Their rolling out this billboard as part of a campaign to educate people about the gun show loophole. What is the gun show loophole? I'm glad you asked. It's a loophole in the law that allows people to buy guns at a gun show without an ID or background check like you would normally go through at a regular dealer.

Also, look for this flyer below on the streets of Denver during the DNC. I'll keep my eyes peeled for one "in the wild" next week.
(via Adrants)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I beg to differ. All firearms sold at all gun shows in the US are required to abide by all local, state & federal laws.

Including but not limited to (depending on where the show is being held and I admit that my knowledge is mostly based off CA shows as well as friends who live in TX and FL):

* Mandatory DROS (Dealer Record of Sale) - requires government ID and thumbprint
* Waiting period (duration varies from state to state. 10 days post-purchase in CA for example)

September 23, 2009 at 12:55 PM  

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