New Belgium: Awesome Ads from an Awesome Company

I'm just going to go ahead and say what a lot of people are thinking: New Belgium Brewery is the best company in America. I believe that whole heartedly too. If you think turning out kick ass brews year after year is enough, you're dead wrong. New Belgium takes it to another level by practicing some of the most sustainable business practices of any business, any where, period. And they were doing it before it was cool. Now, to put the icing on the cake, they've pumped out some fantastic ads via Denver agency Cultivator. Check a few out below or head over to The Denver Egotist or Follow Your Folly (New Belgium's slogan) for more. These ads are great for a number of reasons including their unique look. You could spot these things from 100 yards off. Nothing else (that I know of) shares this "diorama" look. And the copy is pretty great too. It's just the honest truth about the brand, no fancy messages or marketing spin. Oh, and next time the guy next to you at the bar orders a bud light when he could of had a fat tire go ahead and punch him in the face for me. (via Denver Egotist)

Wanna know more about New Belgium?
Visit their website here:
Or learn even more about them and view some ads here:
Or read a post I did about their Tour de Fat at Kodak's 1000 Words Blog
Labels: cultivator, follow your folly, great ads, new belgium brewing
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